


We are committed to providing you with a high-quality service.  However, if something goes wrong we want you to tell us about it straight away.  We value you feedback and always want to know how we can improve the standard of our service. 

We take any complaint very seriously and will investigate any complaint as quickly as we can.

Our CEO is responsible for making sure that all complaints are actioned properly and recorded centrally. Details of the procedure are set out in our Terms of Business under the heading Client Care Code and Handling Complaints.

How do I make a complaint?

If you wish to make a complaint there is no need to write us a formal letter.  You can send an email with details of the issues you have or you can call us if you find this easier. 

In the first instance, so that we can monitor complaints centrally, you should forward your concerns to  You can write to the team at Client Care Team, 5 Palmyra Square, South Warrington, WA1 1BZ.

How is my complaint investigated?

  • The Supervisor will investigate your complaint
  • You will be issued with a formal acknowledgement of your complaint within two working days of your complaint.  We will normally correspond with you by email unless you request an alternative method of communication. If you require a hard copy of this Complaints Policy and Procedure you should request this and we will send a copy to you.
  • Your complaint will be recorded in our Central Register. The Supervisor will initially clarify any aspects of your complaint with you where necessary and then examine the relevant matter file and talk to the individual who has been dealing with your case on a daily basis and any other relevant members of staff. 
  • We will share our findings with you and explain how we have arrived at our conclusions. Where we uphold your complaint we will put forward a suitable remedy and an explanation and acknowledgement as to what went wrong.  Even if we do not uphold the complaint please be assured no charge will be made for the time spent on the handling or investigation of your complaint.

How long will it take?

We aim to conclude any investigation within 28 days of the date of your initial complaint, although there may be instances where this is not possible, for example, if you have a number of complaints or the case is complex.  We will, however, do our best to conclude your complaint as quickly as we can and in any event within 8 weeks of the initial complaint. 

What if I am unhappy with the outcome?

If you are not satisfied with the outcome then you may at that point escalate your complaint to the Head of Department responsible for that area of expertise and request a review of the decision.  Once the investigation is complete we will confirm in writing the outcome of that review. If after the escalation has concluded you remain dissatisfied you can escalate to the CEO who will carry out their own review of your concerns.

What can I do if I am unhappy with your final decision? Making a Complaint to the Legal Ombudsman

We hope that we will be able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction.  However, if you are unhappy with our final decision then you can contact the Legal Ombudsman about your complaint.  Normally, any such complaint must be made within 6 months of receiving a final written response from us about your complaint (this will be from the date of our final decision  if you asked for a review) and within one year of the act or omission about which you are complaining, or within one year from the date on which you should reasonably have realised there was cause for complaint.

If you make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman without first going through this FDR Complaints Procedure it is likely that you will be asked to pursue your complaint using this FDR Complaints Procedure BEFORE the Legal Ombudsman will consider your complaint.

Further information relating to the Legal Ombudsman can be found on their website at Their contact details are:

Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6167
Telephone: 0300 555 0333
Email address:

Complaints which do not relate to our service

If you complain about any alleged financial loss suffered by you as a result of something we did or did not do then we may have to refer the matter to our indemnity insurers who will then deal with you direct. We will notify you if that is the case.

If you are unhappy about our behaviour rather than our service, for instance you think we have been dishonest, taken or lost your money, or have treated you unfairly because of your age, a disability or other characteristic, then you may contact our regulatory body, the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Follow this link: Solicitors Regulation Authority