For life's ups and downs...

Leasehold Property Solicitors

At FDR Law, we are dedicated to providing expert legal assistance for all aspects of buying and selling leasehold properties. Our experienced solicitors specialise in leasehold transactions, including those involving high-rise blocks affected by the recent Building Safety Act. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or landlord, our team is here to guide you through the leasehold process and ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

Understanding Leasehold Property Ownership

Leasehold is a unique form of property ownership that comes with its own set of legal rights and responsibilities. While many flats in England and Wales are sold on a leasehold basis, other types of properties can also fall into this category. When you buy a leasehold property, you own the property for a fixed period of time, but not the land it stands on. Instead, you pay rent to the freeholder for the use of the land.

How do we support our clients?

Buying Leasehold Properties: Buying a leasehold property involves a number of legal considerations, and our expert solicitors are here to help you navigate the process. We will review the terms of the lease and ensure that you fully understand your rights and responsibilities as a leaseholder. We can also help you establish the length of the lease, any restrictions on home improvements, rules regarding pets, access to shared facilities, and who is responsible for ongoing maintenance costs.

Selling Leasehold Properties: Selling a leasehold property requires careful attention to detail to ensure compliance with legal requirements. Our solicitors will assist you in preparing all necessary documentation, including the leasehold information pack, and guide you through the sales process to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction.

Lease Extensions: If you are a leaseholder looking to extend the term of your lease, our solicitors can help you navigate the lease extension process. We will advise you on your rights and guide you through each step of the extension process, from serving the initial notice to negotiating the terms of the lease extension.

Leasehold Enfranchisement: For leaseholders interested in collectively purchasing the freehold of their building, our solicitors can provide expert advice and representation throughout the enfranchisement process. Our experienced team will be able to help you understand your rights and assist you in forming a tenants' association and serving the initial notice to the landlord.

Why Choose FDR Law for your Leasehold Property Solicitors?

Our solicitors have extensive experience in handling leasehold property transactions and can provide you with expert legal advice tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced team will provide you with a prompt and efficient service, ensuring that your leasehold property transaction proceeds as smoothly as possible.

We understand that every client's situation is unique, and we will take the time to listen to your concerns. Offering you a personalised service and providing you with practical, cost-effective solutions.

Get in touch with us to find out more

If you are buying, selling, or dealing with any other legal matter related to a leasehold property, contact us at FDR Law today to speak with one of our experienced solicitors. We're here to help you navigate the process smoothly and efficiently. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.