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Expect the Unexpected

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Several reports reflect what we, at FDR Law, already know namely that the number of people involved in a dispute about an Inheritance has increased considerably. 
In August 2017 the Financial Times reported that the number of family disputes between family members about an Inheritance settlement had increased by 36% between 2015 and 2016.  Research by the Kings Court Trust says that 7% of people aged over 45 had been involved in a dispute about an Inheritance.
There are many reasons why Inheritance Disputes arise.  Sometimes people just don’t realise that a marriage revokes a previous Will.  Sometimes people don’t realise that unmarried partners are not automatically entitled (without a Will) to receive an Inheritance from their partner.  Sometimes the reasons are, sadly, much more complicated. 
A common reason for Inheritance Disputes is that sometimes people who prepare a Will simply do as they are asked by their client. At first sight this might seem a natural step to take – but at FDR we believe that our clients want to hear the benefit of our expertise. 
We like to invite clients to think about the unexpected.  Our solicitors are extensively professionally trained to make sure that our clients are given best advice about their Wills – at least so that they are given an opportunity to reflect upon the unexpected situations that might arise – for example a premature and unexpected bereavement in the family or an unexpected divorce or remarriage. In short, one of the best ways to avoid an Inheritance
Dispute is to expect the unexpected.
Stephen Lawson is Partner at FDR Law specialising in Inheritance Disputes, he is based in Frodsham and can be contacted on 01925 230000 or by email
To make a Will, call 01925 230000 to make an appointment at our Warrington, Stockton Heath or Frodsham offices, or alternatively visit our Wills, Trusts & Probate services pages for further information.