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FDR Law Legal Clinic - Cyclists Rights

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Q: As a keen cyclist, what are my legal rights on the road?

A:  I am a regular cyclist myself and we are not alone; British Cycling have stated that more than two million people cycle at least once a week; an all-time high.

Last year 3,237 cyclists were seriously injured on our UK’s roads and therefore it is important that you take precautions with reflective clothing, a full understanding of the Highway Code and a cycle helmet.  It is not a legal requirement to wear a helmet but aside from the safety aspect, it is worth noting that if you do have to make a claim then compensation could be reduced if you do not wear one.

If you do happen to suffer a cycling accident you should:

  • Report the accident to the police within 24 hours. If you’re injured you’re legally required to do this.
  • Get medical treatment; call an ambulance or see your GP. Even if you only have minor injuries, get checked out.
  • Obtain all the details of the other party involved in the accident and look for witnesses who are willing to comment.

An innocent injured victim would get compensation to reflect pain, injury and suffering and repayment of any financial losses that are incurred, such as loss of wages, damage to a bicycle and clothing, and other expenses.

Be fully aware of the situation under which the accident occurred as even small details. You have three years from the date of the accident to do so to make a claim, and it is recommended that you seek professional specialist legal advice as soon as possible, particularly if there were witnesses to the accident or if you are receiving medical attention.

For Litigation legal advice contact Stephen Lawson on 01928 739300 or
